Sunday, December 29, 2013

Practice for Life

2013.  We were warmly welcomed on a visit to the thriving New York City Kendo Club Dojo; with Founder Kataoka Sensei, Ishizuka Sensei, Spencer Wong, Cherico King and 40 or so others.

Its a thrilling challenge to translate this visual, kinetic and dramatic martial art, based on the philosophy of 'Bushido', into cinema.  An adrenalin boosted meditation; a non-violent practice for life.

With cinematographer Jason Beasely. Photos Amy Guggenheim.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

As the year ends and becomes a new one, it seems a good time to bring up 'Mono no aware' - an untranslate-able Japanese word roughly meaning acceptance of impermanence. To celebrate the new year 2014:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Director Amy Guggenheim & 
Assistant Cinematographer Jason Beasely

Shoot on Location in New York City 2013
Still Photos

Downtown Manhattan
Jane's Carousel, Brooklyn
New York Harbor at dusk

Getting a sense of locations, and style while shooting locations 
from the script throughout the city. 

Beautiful light on this day; the city opened up our imaginations, 
and made the film real. 

Video footage will be posted. 

Glimpses into Kendo - February 2011
In the film, two young people looking for a better way to live, brings them to Kendo practice.

It always starts the same......Walk into another space.....leave behind the day.....Dress, in 'Hakama' [Pleated Pants] and 'Gi' [Cotton Jacket] ....On the ground in 'Seiza', [Seated] set the 'Men' [Helmet] on the 'Kote' [Wrist Guards]....put on the 'Tenegui'[Head Towel], the 'Men' [Helmet] and the 'Bogu' [Torso Guard]....Slide the 'Tsuba' [Guard] on the 'Shinai' [Bamboo sword] and meditate. Rise, 'Men' faces 'Men'........'Hajime'! [Begin!]

"The sword here represents the force of intuitive or instinctual directness, whch, unlike the intellect, does not divide itself, blocking its own passageway." - D.T. Suzuki in Zen and Swordsmanship