Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Top: Kendo Players (Takahiro Ohde and Amanda Park), New York City Kendo Club.

Middle: Actors Marianne Newhard and Koji Nishiyama.
Film Stills from Teaser: Amy Guggenheim, Director; Jason Beasely, Cinematographer

Bottom: Tanroh Ishida, in the lead role of Toshi.

We had a wonderful shoot for our teaser, now in post production - test scenes of the kendo and dramatic scenes, and a new collaboration with Kataoka Noboru, Sword Choreographer. We shot on location at Ken Zen Institute in Tribeca, and in various interior and exterior locations in Brooklyn, including Jane's Carousel. 
Glimpses into Kendo - February 2011
In the film, two young people looking for a better way to live, brings them to Kendo practice.

It always starts the same......Walk into another space.....leave behind the day.....Dress, in 'Hakama' [Pleated Pants] and 'Gi' [Cotton Jacket] ....On the ground in 'Seiza', [Seated] set the 'Men' [Helmet] on the 'Kote' [Wrist Guards]....put on the 'Tenegui'[Head Towel], the 'Men' [Helmet] and the 'Bogu' [Torso Guard]....Slide the 'Tsuba' [Guard] on the 'Shinai' [Bamboo sword] and meditate. Rise, 'Men' faces 'Men'........'Hajime'! [Begin!]

"The sword here represents the force of intuitive or instinctual directness, whch, unlike the intellect, does not divide itself, blocking its own passageway." - D.T. Suzuki in Zen and Swordsmanship