In Tokyo, had a great time with our producing partner Masaru Koibuchi and Yoshimi Fukuzawa. It seems right that we met at the International House about an international coproduction between Japan and the United States. A serene time to plan for an exciting 2015. We got an inspiring start location scouting, rising at 2 am to go to 'Tsukiji' fish market, and saw the famed Tuna Auction.
AT THE PUBLIC DOJO near Awachijo, saw an 8-Dan Sensei led practice, with Ishizuka Sensei, and other Senseis from the New York City Kendo Club, including Kataoka Sensei, who happened to be in town.
With Kataoka, Fujisawa, Ishizuka, and others.
I HAD A CHANCE to visit the Osorezan Festival; a three hour bus ride from Aomori City (assisted by the JNTO and Aomori Global Incubation). The Buddhist ritual is held on a volcanic mountain with sulphur springs bubbling up out of the lava landscape. Offerings and prayers for loved ones 'on the other side' are followed by a voluntary cleanse in the sulphur onsen.
IN KYOTO, the Gion Festival, an ancient celebration with huge man-powered floats three stories high topped with the Japanese evergreen; the spirit should always remain, like the tree, constant.
With Shiho Yamada, Kyoto Media Center - THE BUTOKUDEN building itself, walled with windows on four sides, is the origin of Budo since 1895. The one hour practice I attend there was impressively simple, the point. Looking forward to practicing there on the next trip!
A DREAM-LIKE last night hosted by Tozando at Kibune in the forested mountains north of Kyoto for "Kawadoko"; dining with sake, on a platform just above the river. Delightful company, delicious and truly cinematic.
With Kimura-san, Yamamoto-san, Donatella Castelli and Yu Bo. - HAVING HAD a chance to renew long term relationships, and spend time with new friends in Japan, back in New York with lots of inspiration about Japanese culture and kendo. The next step for the film is seed money, a location scouting trip to Japan, and some surprise shooting! Thanks for helping make this all happen and, Stay tuned.